September 28, 2014


Today has just been one of those days where nothing is going right. Neither Master or myself slept well last night. As a result we both woke up cranky. We weren't biting each other's heads off or anything. Just cranky.

We had plans to go see my dad today. My brother originally wanted to come with but when I got a hold of my dad he picked a time where my brother was still at work. *shrugs* That is, once I actually got a response from my father. I had sent him a text and I saw him post on a social network site for about three hours without responding to my message. So I sent a follow-up. Finally he responded.

Anyway, once we got over there I was immediately annoyed because this woman who was supposed to go home about oh.. three or four months ago is still there.

It's a long story.

Master and I left there in a pretty shitty mood. Before my dad's high school reunion a while back he was in a long distance relationship with a woman further south. He had been saying for years how he wants to move to a hotter state because his back can't handle our winters anymore. So the original plan was for him to move down there to be with her after my grandfather passed away. At that time Master and I would take over my father's house.

He had asked us not once, not twice, but three times. And after we confirmed that we agreed to it all three times he double checked for the fourth time. It was a when not an if. He had also said that regardless of what happens between him and this woman he still wants to move out of state so we figured we had an in regardless.

But today my dad, in a round about way, basically tells us that he will be staying in Wisconsin and this bitch that was supposed to go back to Arizona the Monday following their high school reunion is now permanently living with my father. They plan on going back down to Arizona to pick up more of her belongings and then coming back up.

I asked my dad if that meant she was getting a divorce. (Yes, she's married.) He told me no because it was a common law marriage. Well, that's not what either of them had told us when she first got up there. In fact, she brought up how she hated her wedding ceremony because it didn't turn out the way she wanted.

So basically... my father was holding a very large carrot in front of our faces with a when not an if and he just took it away because this bitch doesn't want to go home and they are deciding to play house and she wants to stay in Wisconsin.

1 comment:

  1. Exactly. She lived in Arizona at the time. I honestly just looked it up and.they do not recognize common law marraiges either. So either my father is lying about it or she is lying to him and he's falling for it. I'm honestly not sure if I should tell my father that to show him that she is lying or let him find out the hard way.
