June 23, 2014

Not A Real Post

This is not a real post. My real post will be a little later on today. This is just my doing a random post because I am somewhat bored but don't want to do the real post yet because I want to save that for something to do later.

Sometimes I become basically obsessed with a TV show. And by obsessed I mean I kind of surround myself with it. Stupid huh? It all started with Doctor Who. Well, the newer series. Basically when the 10th Doctor (David Tennant) came to be is when I became obsessed with the show. I had my wallpaper set as it. I had my ringtone as the opening theme music and my message notification as the sonic screwdriver. I had it that way for a very long time.

Then once it got more into the 11th Doctor (Matt Smith) I still loved the show but I wasn't obsessed with it like I was when David Tennant was the Doctor. As a result I would randomly change the wallpaper, ringtone, and message notification sounds.

But I found that I really liked them to match.

Then Master found this show called Supernatural. Holy shit. I fucking love that show! That kicked off into the Supernatural obsession. Again... wallpaper, ringtone, and message notification. With the wallpaper though I couldn't really find one I liked so I just kind of picked one that I felt matched the feel I was going for. We haven't had any new episodes of that on Netflix in quite some time, which makes me sad. Again, I had those on my phone for a long time. I would say about six months or so.

However, I was getting somewhat bored with it. Not because I don't love the show but just because I was. *shrugs* It happens.

And that's when the 3rd season of Sherlock was released on Netflix. (When I am referring to Sherlock I am referring to the BBC TV show.) I loved that show since we first started watching it on Netflix. It just seemed to take forever for the 3rd season to hit. (The only down side to that show is that each season is only 3 episodes long.) But now that we have it and we watched it I realized that's what I wanted to do for my next obsession based theme. And so off I went. My ringtone is the theme song, my message notification is related to the show and my wallpaper is the wallpaper in Sherlock's apartment. I didn't want it with the smiley face on it though. I just felt that looked off.

I don't know why I latch onto things like that and suddenly allow it to take over my phone. I think it's partially because I love the shows so much. (It's a three way tie really.) I also think it's because I like everything on my phone to fit a theme and I hate having ringtones with lyrics or words in it. So naturally theme songs from certain TV shows fit that perfectly.

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