December 16, 2013

Damn You Blog

My blog is apparently attempting to get me into trouble. The bitch.

I didn't do a blog post on Friday as currently the rule is every other night. I posted on Thursday and Friday was my night "off" from the blog. So obviously my next post would be "due" on Saturday.

Well, Saturday morning the mutt got me up like he always does. Saturdays are my day to take the dog out and Sunday is Master's. So, the mutt hops up on the foot of my side of the bed and bounces off of it. This is how he wakes me up. It startles me every damn time.

I get bundled up and take him out. I was hoping to be able to go back to bed and get some more sleep. But that wasn't in the cards. As soon as I got inside and took of my jacket and gloves I knew I was awake and there was no way that I was going to be able to go back to bed without just tossing and turning, aggravated that I couldn't fall asleep.

As a result I just stayed up while Master continued to sleep. I figured that I might as well just go ahead and do my blog post then so I didn't have to do it later that night. Sounds good, right?

I type out my post and then hit "publish" to make it to post to the blog. I even posted a direct link of the post to my Twitter. I do that every time I make a post in case any of the people who follow me want to click the link and read that particular post.

Once that is done I just dick around online and end up watching Divorce Court on YouTube. Once Master wakes up we spend the rest of the day just relaxing.

I didn't think about my blog at all since I had already done the post. However, later on Sunday Master asks me why I hadn't made a blog post yesterday (Saturday). I look at him, dumbfounded, and say, "I did make a post Saturday."

He tells me to come over to the computer and bring up my blog. I did. And sure as shit my Saturday post wasn't there. I wasn't going crazy, I knew I damn well made that fucking post. I actually started to freak out a little bit. I didn't want Master thinking that I had disobeyed, especially when I only have to do a post every other night.

I quickly login to my blog and look at the post list. Oh, it was there. But it was only a draft. It had never actually published. What the fuck?! How would I post it to my Twitter account without having already published it. I showed Master that it had been made but that it had somehow ended up only saving itself rather than publishing to the blog.

He said, "Well at least there is a valid explanation."

I let out a sigh of relief and immediately published the post. Hence why the date on my last post says it's from Sunday rather than Saturday.

I have no idea how it just ended up as a draft to begin with. I was more than awake to realize what I was doing and which button I was clicking. I remember hitting the publish button, going to the homepage of my blog, clicking the link, and putting the direct link on my Twitter. I don't know if it somehow reverted to a draft after the fact or what... A hiccup in the system maybe? Who knows.

I'm just glad I could show Master that the post had actually been done.