December 23, 2013

Whisky Tango Foxtrot

Between Saturday and early Sunday we got a fuck ton of snow. Okay, that's not true. It was 7 inches. (The snow you pervs.) But still! I'm sure it seemed like more simply because the way the roads and parking lot were.

Friday night when the plows came through our parking lot they had plowed all of the cars in. Which fucking blows by the way. I figured I would just have to deal with it Monday morning when I left for work. It would mean that I would have to get up pretty early, but it couldn't be helped. I've dealt with worse after all.

We had made plans for my dad to come up on Sunday about a week ago. We were all thinking that it wouldn't be possible due to the weather. But by the time my dad called to see if it was still okay to come over, the roads were plowed and it wasn't snowing anymore. (I know because I walked outside to check.) Dad said it was pretty clear down by him too. So we all decided to keep the plans and he headed on up. When he got here he called me and I went outside to meet him at his car. I needed to run an errand but because my car was plowed in I wasn't able to do so and I really didn't feel like digging it out when I knew he was on his way up. It wasn't like it was an important errand but Dad had offered.

Master took the dog out soon after I walked outside to meet my dad at the car. We ran the errand which took about 10 minutes total. When we got back to my place I saw that Master was still outside. I figured He was still taking the dog out. It can take a little while sometimes. But my dad and I walk into the apartment and there is the dog, chilling out. Okay..

I didn't want to leave my dad alone because that would be rude as hell and his back wasn't up to walking around again for a little while. So we sat and talked for a while. He told me that he wanted to tell me something but I had to swear that I wouldn't tell anyone else. I was just about to ask if I could tell my Husband when he said, "Ya know what? I'll just wait until (insert Master's name here) gets back inside."

Okay, well that solves the problem of my possibly having to keep something from Him. We continued to chit chat until Master came in. His entire jacket was covered in snow and He was sweating. Apparently after He took the dog out He decided to dig out my car and brush it down for me. How sweet is that?!

My dad smiled when Master said that. My dad likes to know that He takes care of me. Well, actually he knows that my Husband takes care of me, but that doesn't mean he won't smile when he sees it in action.

Anyway, after Master got settled and all that my dad started the whole "I'm about to tell you something but you have to swear not to tell anyone" thing. Master looked at me and He looked a little worried. I was too. It obviously wasn't bad news because Dad wasn't upset. So.. what the fuck could it be? I was almost afraid to find out. But Master and I swore that we wouldn't.

And then my dad dropped a fucking bomb on us. Seriously. I was more than shocked.

A little back story first... He is dating a woman that I knew when I was growing up because her and her husband and my mom and dad (they were married at the time) hung out. So I saw her a lot. They haven't seen each other in person for about well.. I'd say about 20 years? I am not exaggerating. But they are dating and talking on the phone every day multiple times a day. Dad had planned twice on going own there as she lives out of state. Like way out of state. But each time the plans had to be cancelled due to legitimate things that stopped it from happening. Apparently she is coming up to visit some of the family she still has here and then plans on spending about 3 days up here with my dad before they both go down to where she lives now and dad will spend a week down there. It's a few months off.

Okay, back to the part where the bomb goes off... My dad paused for a moment almost like he didn't know how to say it but was grinning like a fool at the same time.

He said, "I might be getting married again."


Another bit of back story. When my parents got a divorce, almost 14 years ago, he swore up and down that he was never getting married again. Ever. My parents had been together for 25 years and he didn't want to be tied down again, in so far as a marriage goes.

So... um... you haven't seen this chick face to face in about 20 years but you are talking about marrying her? Um. Well. You're a grown ass man and you know whats best for you.. but still.

He told us that she had actually brought it up, which also shocked me because she had told my dad, in the beginning, that she never wanted to get married again. So.. yeah. I'm rather speechless here.

I just asked him a question that was the only thing that floated through the shock.

"Would you be getting married down there or up here?"

He told me that it would most likely be down there. That kind of upset me. I was there when my mother and her current husband got married. I want to be there if and when my dad ever gets married again. He's my dad after all and I love him. I would like to share that happy moment with him.

I told him that I would really, really want to be there but I didn't know if I would financially be able to. I know it's a ways off (not sure how long since they seem to be getting this into high gear faster than you can breathe) but I also know that would be an expensive as hell trip regardless of when it is.

My dad said he understood and that he wouldn't be mad about it. Well, no. I know that. I also know he wouldn't be able to finance the trip, or even half of it, for Master and I to go down there.

I might just bend over backwards to get down there if I have to. Like I said, I would want to be there. I can't imagine just waiting for a rare trip up here to see him and congratulate him. As is, I'm going to have a hard enough time not being able to see him whenever I want. A really hard time to be completely honest. My dad and I are really close.

We'll see where it goes and how fast. After that is locked down Master and I will have to figure it out from there.

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