April 14, 2012

Weekend For Family

Yesterday Master and I went out to lunch with His father and two youngest sisters. We went up by them since they normally come down to us. We still met at a restaurant and just sat and talked while we ate. His two youngest sisters are 14 and 10. Apparently His dad decided he just really liked making children... He has five. Master is the oldest.

When we first met His two youngest sisters they were both a little shy. Master and His father had a falling out a long time ago. And they started talking again about three years ago. At that time Master didn't even know He had these two other siblings. So it was something everyone had to get used to. But yesterday while Master was talking with His dad His two little sisters showed me that they are really warming up to me. They told me what they are going to be doing over the summer and what their interests are. The 14 year old is going to state for her choir competitions. The 10 year old is doing great in her soccer tournaments. They are both very intelligent and very active kids. But wow. Someone put a quarter in both those girls. *smiles* I barely got a word in but it made me smile that they felt that comfortable with me. Especially the 14 year old. She's really a shy kid. I know she does all these competitions, etc. but one on one she is a really shy girl.

It was a great time and everyone enjoyed themselves.

Today I went down to visit my mother and brother. Master was going to come with as well but when He got up this morning He wasn't feeling well at all. So I went by myself.

We talked and had a good time. My mom wanted to run to the store. But now that she has a car again she wanted to take her car rather than me driving. So I got to ride in her car for the first time. It's a really nice car. It's huge. Well, actually it's a mid-size car. But when you're used to a PT Cruiser, when you get in a mid-size car you feel like you're in a boat of a car.

She seemed really proud of it. She had gone without a car for two years because her last one died and she couldn't afford to replace it at the time. She had been relying on my brother and his car during that time since he lives there. She saved up the past two years and bought her current car and she absolutely loves it. It made me smile. Mom shared some distant family drama about one of my first cousins. That particular cousin is a bitch and a drama queen to boot. So mom shared that info and we both griped about her for a little bit.

When I left there I went to the pet store. Our dog needed a new leash. Now that he is larger than he was when we bought his leash about a year ago we decided it would probably be a good idea to get a new one. I wanted something really durable. The problem was that when I got to the pet store I couldn't really find anything that wasn't a tie out that had the weight limit on it. So I started to get a little discouraged. I kept looking though. Finally I found a regular 6ft leash that had a weight posted on it. It said for dogs up to 90lbs. Well, our dog is probably between 75 to 80lbs so it was perfect. I bought that, some rabbit litter and some treats for the dog.

The leash had a price tag of $25 on it. It was more than I though I was going to spend on a leash but since it had a weight listed on it and I felt safer with that I didn't mind paying a little extra. The cool thing was that when I got up to the counter I found out that all three things were on sale due to the store perks card! Yay!

The rabbit litter was $23 and rang up as $20. The dog treats were $8 and rang up as $5. The leash was marked as $25 and rang up as $10! Rock on!

When I took the pup out this afternoon I did notice that the leash felt stronger. I don't really know how to describe it. It just felt different, in a good way.

Tomorrow I don't know if we're going to run errands or not. But Master did say we might go to Dunkin Doughnuts to get coffee and a doughnut for like a brunch type thing. That will be nice.

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