April 3, 2012

There Can Only Be One!

Aside from work today has been a pretty good day. Master and I have been relaxing all evening watching Netflix and playing Soul Calibur 5.

Speaking of watching Netflix we watched a really, really fucked up movie. Master and I are huge Hellraiser fans. We have seen every single movie more times than I can count. Then a few years ago there were rumors flying around that another Hellraiser movie was coming out. Only, get this, Doug Bradley isn't Pinhead! There is only one Pinhead damnit! And that is Doug fucking Bradley!

It was... so bad. So, so bad. The original was made in 1987 and the effects in that movie were better than the effects in this one!

The story was horrible and ripped bits and pieces of the plot throughout several Hellraiser movies. That made no fucking sense at all. The acting? Yeah, that was worse than the effects, which I didn't think was even possible.

If any of you are Nightmare on Elm Street fans and saw the remake, yeah, you remember that piece of shit? Well, this is worse. Like ten times worse. And for me that's saying something as I love Freddy. I love Pinhead more though.

Spoiler alert.. kind of... I just have to get this off my chest.

*deep breath*

Chatter is not a chick! You could have at least kept the damn genders the same fuckers! And by the way, Pinhead does not have a mini-me!


I feel a little better now. It's always so sad to see movie series you love get turned into a fucked up mess like that. Thankfully, it's not my Pinhead. (Kind of like how Doctor Who fans have their Doctor. By the way, my Doctor is David Tennant.) My Pinhead is Doug Bradley and Doug Bradley wasn't in this movie. Which means this movie doesn't count. At all.

When the movie was over Master said, "And is there anyone else in this room that thinks that was a fan film?" I immediately raised my hand. It was like someone trying to pay tribute to a movie series they love but ended up creating this foul movie that should never have even entered anyone's mind let alone hit DVD.


  1. I know what you mean: Christopher Eccleston is my Doctor, followed closely by Tom Baker and David Tennant. Although after two season, Matt Smith is gaining ground.


  2. My Doctor is David Tennant too! Will always be my favorite, no other can replace him.

  3. My Dad used to torture me with the old Doctor Who series when I was growing up. I hated it. So when Master started watching the new series I was like, "WHY?!" but then I actually sat down and started watching it and now I'm hooked. My dad's Doctor is the guy with the fro and the scarf (can't remember his name). Master and I? David Tennant all the way!

  4. Coyote's Kitten wrote, "My dad's Doctor is the guy with the fro and the scarf (can't remember his name)."
    kitten, that is Tom Baker. I listed him a 'close' second.


  5. Just saw this the other day and felt the same!
