April 16, 2012

Don't Freak Out

Not a lot going on. I'm still busy as hell at work. Nothing new there. I walked into work this morning and I saw the work that was waiting for me. I kind of surprised myself in regards to my reaction. Last week and the week before that and so on I would stress myself the hell out. I wouldn't know where to begin and I'd just be so worn out mentally by the time I got home that I was basically a bump on a log. No fun for Master and no fun for me. When I'm at home I'd rather be able to carry a conversation or at the very least joke around.

But today as I started at my computer and the paperwork on my desk I decided that I wasn't going to freak out about it anymore.

It's not that I won't still bust my tail. Trust me I did plenty of that today. But I just decided that I wasn't going to freak out about it or let it stress me to the point that I basically want to do nothing but sleep once I'm home.

Plus freaking out doesn't make me any more productive. I'm just as productive, if not more so, when I just keep myself calm and take it as it comes. I actually think I was able to get more work done today because of it. I didn't feel overwhelmed even though there was so much to do. I just calmly did my work. I felt more focused that way as well.

I think the great sex last night helped though. I was in a great mood last night when I went to bed and I woke up in a good mood. I was tired as hell because I didn't sleep well, but I was still in a good mood.

As the work day went by I did start to feel a little tense mentally. But then I took a deep breath and felt better because of it.

Hopefully I can keep this outlook on my work. I'm not giving up, I'm not just saying fuck it. I'm just not freaking out about it. I have a tendency of doing that. If things are busy at work I tend to just get worried about getting it all done and what if I don't and how bad is it going to be tomorrow, etc and so on. But I was pleased with how much I got done and the fact that I kept calm the entire day. Like I said though, hopefully I can keep doing that.

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