January 7, 2015

This, That, & The Other

Not much has been going on. I've not been feeling well for the past couple of days, and yes it has put a damper on things. It hit me out of no where. I was about ready to just lay down and fall asleep when all of a sudden I felt the urge to be sick. And sure as hell, once I got to the bathroom I was sick. Thankfully it was only the one time but I still felt off the rest of the night. The next day I didn't feel nauseous anymore but my stomach felt like I had a rock in it.

I feel a bit better today. But I've been tired a lot. *sigh* The weather isn't helping. Especially with the whole feeling tired all the time part of it. It is cold as fuck outside. And whenever it is that cold I feel tired. Today is worse than usual but I think it is mainly due to the fact that I didn't sleep well last night as well as my not feeling well for the past few days.

Master has been very kind and allowing me to nap. He wakes me up after a while but even a half hour here or a hour there is appreciated. I hope that tomorrow I feel like everything is back to normal. Ugh.

The other thing that is kind of fucking with me is that I had a very, very short period this past month. It was less than a full day and it hasn't come back since.

It talked to my mother about it and she told me that most women in her side of the family hit pre-menapause in their early 30's. Well with me it would be extremely early 30's since I'll only be 32 in March.  For all I know it was a fluke. *shrugs*

I do remember my doctor telling me that when I got fixed (my tubes burned) that my period would most likely get a little unpredictable as I got older. I got fixed back when I was 21. Wow. I honestly hadn't realized that it's been almost 11 years already. Huh.

Anyway.. like I said it might just be a fluke. If it happens again, meaning this month, I'll probably go to a doctor just to make sure. With it only happening one time I don't think it warrants it.

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