August 5, 2012

I Wish It Wasn't Sunday

Last night I was up until 4am. That is extremely rare for me. I'm normally asleep by 2am even on the weekends. I hate that honestly. But all day yesterday we felt pent up. It was either hot as hell, humid as a mother fucker or it was raining. As a result no one was outside. We even stayed inside. Part of the problem with that is it didn't even seem like a Saturday. We've gotten too used to just going outside for most of the day/night on the weekends. I already know that when winter hits we'll just be inside different apartments hanging out.

So anyway, we stayed in and after fucking we came back in the living room and about an hour and a half after that I finally went to bed. I guess Master stayed up until almost 5:30am.

Today it wasn't nearly as bad outside. We sat on our porch for a while and then I went and knocked on SL's door and asked if her and her husband were going to be poking their heads out. She seemed happy that I knocked and said she would be right out. So we sat down and had a really good time. We only came back in to eat dinner really quick and before you know it we were back outside.

It was about 9pm when Master decided He wanted to go in. He has already told me that if I want to stay outside after He's come in that I may. But as I said it was about 9pm and I knew that I still had to do my post, do my mood tracker and take my shower. Plus, I wanted a little bit of down time inside, after all that was done, before I had to go to bed.

Master isn't as lenient with my bedtime on a work night as He has been in the past simply due to the fact that I have to drive the car. I totally understand it, honestly. It sucks, and I'm sure He doesn't like it either because He enjoys spending time with me at night... but what are you going to do?

It was sweet when I said I was going inside because SL and AK wanted me to stay outside with them. I told them that if it wasn't a Sunday I would be out there all night and have a great time, but since tomorrow is a work day I had to go in. I gave them both a big hug and they each gave me a kiss on the cheek. I haven't had friends like that in a very long time. I still like my alone time but I really enjoy spending time with them. We haven't gone out and done anything really besides that local fair but we all really like sitting around in the courtyard talking. So that's what we do.

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