August 22, 2012

Falling To Pieces

Today was pretty bad pain wise. It started off as a regular headache when I got up this morning. Then after a couple of hours sitting under florescent lighting, it slowly turned into a migraine. I was popping pain pills like tic tacs today.

But it wasn't only my head that was bothering me. My right shoulder was twitching on and off and just burned. I think this is in part due to the fact that I'm not use to this much driving. Normally when we go somewhere Master is the one driving. For the longest time the only time I really drove was to do errands without Master or to go visit my mother.

I've been driving the carpool for about a month now and I think my body just isn't use to it yet. Hopefully, over time, my body will learn to deal with it better.

Oh, and just to add to the fun of it all my right wrist ended up hurting like hell, even with my wrist brace on. So I tightened the brace and slowed down with the things I was doing at work. It feels better now but it's also been about four hours since I was on a computer typing. And since it's my blog post I can type a little slower than I usually would.

I was thinking to myself that if I didn't really love my ink I would have ripped off my right arm. Since it was that shoulder and that wrist it was like the pain was shooting into my elbow from both directions. At the time I thought it would be less painful to just take that arm off. But ya know, like I said I really love the ink on that arm... plus Master would not have been pleased.

I'm falling apart. I'm only 29 right now. I don't even want to think about how I'm going to feel when I'm 50.

When we sat outside tonight Master and I grabbed our chairs rather than using the ones over at our neighbors. They have plastic chairs. It's not that they are extremely uncomfortable but my shoulders just can't take it after a while. It's too rigid.

We have metal chairs with really plush cushions on them. It's a lot more comfortable and they are wider so I can change how I'm sitting if I need to. As a result I was able to be more comfortable for a longer period of time.

One of these days I know I'm going to have to go to a pain specialist again. I'm not looking forward to it to be honest. Yes, it'll give me some relief but there aren't a lot of pain killers I can take since I'm allergic to codeine. I would normally just get a prescription for IBU Profin 600 milligrams. At that rate I can just buy a big bottle over the counter and take three 200 milligram pills. But some muscle relaxers would be awesome.

I'm trying to push that off as long as possible. It's pain. I can deal with it. I've been dealing with this shit (minus my wrist) since I was 14.


  1. I cannot even image since you were 14?! I just got diagnosed a few years ago and I am having a very hard time dealing with the loss of strength especially. I think the same exact thing- if I feel this way at 34 what will I feel like at 50? Hopefully we will both find some kind of solution / tolerance along the way and be better able to deal with pain then most. Hope you feel better - I know I always seem to have the worst time during season changes so with fall coming it sucks right now. Take it easy! :)

  2. Yeah. I got diagnosed after a pretty nasty car crash. I agree that the season changes seem to be the worst. Also, when the pressure changes drastically.
