July 21, 2012

Loud Noises!

Master and I had been invited to a get together a while back. Well, today was that day. The neighbor that got evicted is staying at his girlfriend's right now and they had planned a party/get together and wanted us to come over. It wasn't all that hot out thankfully, it was just muggy. So we got there and we were actually the first ones to arrive. We sat around and talked for a while. About twenty minutes later other people started to arrive. We knew them all and we continued to talk and have a good time.

Eventually there were over twenty people there and since it was really hot in the sun we were all in one small area because it was shaded by the house. Everyone ate and we continued to talk.

Then all of a sudden there were at least five different conversations going on. One was pretty loud and progressively the other conversations started getting louder so they could be heard over the other one. Before you know it there are five or six completely different conversations going and they are all loud as fuck. And of course we were seated in such a way that we were basically in the middle of it all.

Add to that six children running around screaming at the top of their lungs and when they were "corrected" they pretty much ignored it.

So take all that and add the fact that someone had brought a beer bong and we were done. I am not against drinking, but I have never really been able to tolerate a bigger group of drunk people. And quite a few people were already on their way there. I just couldn't take it anymore.

Add to that my shoulders were fucking with me as well as I was tensing up.

We had a good time until about the last half hour. So Master and I decided to duck out. It seemed as if two of our other friends had been waiting for an excuse to leave as well. As soon as we stood up and said, "Well, we're gonna get going..." they stood up and said the same thing.

Now we're home and unwinding. Master wanted me to hop online and get my post done, take my bath and then take the dog out so it's all done and out of the way for the night.

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