June 16, 2012

Nothing Much

I think last night I've stayed up later than I have in quite some time. I was almost 3am before I was tired and went to bed. And even then I only went to bed because Master was. I just made myself lay there until I fell asleep.

He had gone over to the neighbors until about 10:30pm. I wasn't feeling up to it because I had a bad headache/migraine all day and was popping Tylenol like it was candy. So I wasn't really feeling up to going outside and talking with people. After He came back inside He told me that I hadn't really missed anything. I kind of figured as much.

Today we both slept in. I got up to take care of the dog at about 7am and then went right back to bed after we came back inside.

We've spent most of the day sitting around talking. He's played video games. I've played on the computer. We watched some stand-up comedy on Netflix. That has pretty much been the extent of our day. I left the apartment twice. Once to go to the store to pick up hydrocortizone and hand lotion. The other time I left it was to go buy soda because I had forgotten to when I left the first time.

It's not been an exciting day at all. But I've enjoyed it.

I don't know why but towards the end of the last thing we were watching I ended up passing out on the couch. When I woke up Master told me He was going to pop His head outside and see what the neighbors were doing. Okay. I'm not feeling especially social right now so I'll just keep my tail inside for a little while. I might go out there later. I'm not sure.

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