July 28, 2010

Long Wednesday

Wednesday. It always seems bitter sweet most of the time. It's the mid point in the work week. And thankfully, it's over. Two more days to go before the weekend is here. It's been a rough week at work. Today was no better.

Master picked me up from work today. I had a bicycle that I got back from my mom not that long ago. I had completely forgotten about it, as it had been sitting in my mom's garage for quite some time. Well, I took it home, and it has since been collecting dust in the bunny room.

I like bike riding, but I really wanted the bike so I could go bike riding with Master. We hadn't been able to afford to get Master His own bicycle, so I didn't really see the point in going for a ride by myself. So, since we could use any spare cash, Master and I decided to put it up for sale. When Master picked me up He had the bike in the back of the car, as we had someone who had to buy it, but we had to drop it off. No biggie there. It was only 15 minutes away from our house.

So we went where we had agreed to meet with this lady, she bought the bike, and was on her merry way.

Also, Master has a job interview tomorrow! Yay! I wish Him lots of luck and hope it goes well.

When we got home, we ate dinner, watched some Netflix, I took my shower and put on an outfit for Master.

I feel drained today. Just plain worn out tired. I didn't sleep very well last night. It was one of those on again, off again type sleeps.

There is no official news on my transfer yet. But rumor around the department is that our supervisor decided who is taking my current position at the company, and will be starting it this upcoming Monday. So to me, that means I would start my new position on Monday. But Master thinks they may want me to show her the ropes so to speak for a few days, before actually transferring me. Who knows. Either way, it means I'm getting closer to my new job! *excited*

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