December 13, 2011

Can't Make Plans

The plan is/was for my brother to come up the weekend of the 6th so that we can hang out and celebrate his birthday early. (He'll be 27.) All was well and good. I thought we had this locked down.

This evening I sent him a text asking if he was staying both Friday night and Saturday night or just that Friday. He sent me a text back saying that I would have to ask our mother. That made me do a double take.

A little back story. He lives upstairs from our mother because he's down on his luck, the poor guy. He's trying to get back on his feet but for the time being, he lives there.

So I sent a text back and was like "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?!"

Rather than going back and forth on text, even though he hates talking on the phone, he called me. It turns out that the mother of his two sons keeps changing which weekends he has their children. Basically she's totally ignoring the child support/visitation order. My brother normally does give a fuck because he's currently unemployed. He is going to college though, so as long as it doesn't fuck with his class schedule he's normally okay.

Turns out that the weekend of the 6th was supposed to be his weekend off from the kids. Turns out she now wants to flip the script and have him have the children that weekend. So when he said I'd have to ask our mother it was because he would need her to babysit.

I flat out told my brother that there was no way in hell I was going to ask our mother to watch his kids from 3pm to 9pm Friday and 9am to whenever on Saturday. Nope. And it makes no sense what so ever to drive 45 minutes to pick him up at 9pm Friday night just to turn around and take the 45 minute drip back down there to drop him off by 9am Saturday.

It'd be a waste and we wouldn't get a lot of time together at all. So I told him that he needs to figure it out and let me know. Either tell his ex that he can't have the kids that weekend or just stay home. Either way I want to know sooner rather than later so I know whats going on and it's not a last minute thing.

So I basically told him to figure out his "baby mamma drama" and get back to me.

I do admit I'm really hoping he can come up that weekend. We always have a lot of fun hanging out. Really it'd be the only weekend we could easily swing it.

I really, really dislike his ex. I always did. She's a cunt on wheels let me tell ya. If things don't go her way, she throws a hissy fit like a five year old. She behaves worse than their 6 year old does. 

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