November 29, 2010

Manic Monday

See what I did there? I'm bi-polar and I used the term manic on a day where I have a therapist appointment. Aren't I a riot. No? Yeah I didn't think so.

So anyway, the four day weekend was a blast! Last night was the last night before the day to day bullshit started again. I had gone through some of my old clothes and tossed some of them out, and reorganized the closet. Again. Then Master went through some of His old stuff as well. He also decided to fix the lighting problem in the bedroom.

See we have an overhead light fixture almost directly above the bed. So at night you either have to fuck in the dark, which isn't a bad thing, but sometimes you want the light on. Well I hated having the light on during sex or while I was masturbating for Him on our bed because that damn light was blinding and it was distracting. Here I am, laying on the bed, trying to get my mojo working and this damn light is bearing down on me and it's just... fucking distracting!

Which is why nine times out of ten the light was off. And that prevented Master from seeing some of the things He wanted to see. So He took the table lamp out of our living room, which really wasn't getting a lot of use and put it on the table next to the dresser. He turned it on and had me come into the bedroom to take a look. It actually casts kind of a romantic light, and I told Him that. I said, "That's kind of romantic!" in an excited voice. He smiled and kind of chuckled at me.

But really it is, it's not direct as it's away from the bed a bit, and it's a soft light thanks to the shade on it. And it's just.. nice. And it has other practical uses that aren't as perverted as watching your partner masturbate or watch your partner while you're fucking.

Sometimes one of us can't sleep while the other is sleeping. But we don't really want to leave the bed cause we're comfortable and we like being close to one another. So now, with the lamp, the light is soft enough that it won't wake the other person and yet bright enough that you could read a book or magazine. It's fucking awesome and I have no idea why we didn't think of it sooner! Master is a genius.*nods*

We had incredible sex where He allowed me to put a blindfold on Him while I rode Him. It was hot to look down at Him while I was bucking and grinding to my heart's content and see His facial ticks and know that it's all because of sensation rather than sensation and visual.

Eventually He took it off so He could pull me by my legs as I stayed on top. We were both very satisfied afterward.

Then today I had to go back to work. Boo.

Work was busy as hell, and that's all I really have to say about it.

The sucky thing was that I got home at 5:30pm had to quickly eat a few slices of pizza, have part of a cigarette and then head out the door again so I wouldn't be late for my appointment with JD. I had to stop and put gas in the car or I wasn't going to make it there and back, and I had to mail a Netflix DVD. And it was raining. And people were driving like fucking idiots.

But the appointment went great! We talked a lot about how the medication is helping, and how I feel much more in control of myself, but that I still have the ability to react to situations with emotion. It would suck if the meds worked more like an off switch. I've been on medication in the past that made me feel that way. But those were just anti-depressants. They were not mood stabilizers.

We also talked about how the medication helping me is also helping our marriage because I'm not so all over the damn place. I haven't been depressed since I started the medication and I haven't gone totally off the wall with aggression or extreme bouts of hyperactivity either.

The medication is not effecting my sex drive. If anything it's helping it. I feel great. I feel attractive. And I feel horny. It's wonderful.

So yay!

I got home at about 8:30pm and told Master about the appointment, and then took my shower, tossed on some lingerie that I can wear while on the rag, cause I am. Yay or something. And now I just want to wrap up this blog post cause it's already 9:30pm and I have to be in bed on time (which is 11pm) unless Master decides otherwise, and I want some quality time with my Master. So.... more tomorrow!


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