August 31, 2010

Thank You For Calling Tech Support

My work day didn't go that well. My trainer had the day off due to jury duty, and my supervisor had to go to court in the afternoon. So yeah. I was pretty much on my own. So there are some things that just had to wait until tomorrow because I would rather put it off, rather than try to do it on my own, while not knowing what the hell I'm doing, and fuck it up and have to have someone else fix it.

It could have been worse, but still.

So on my way home from work Master sent me a text message saying that He was on the phone with His mom. She had literally just gotten her computer back from it suffering from the blue screen of death. So she wanted us to come down tonight so I could hook it up and help her out.

She offered $25. So I said sure. Money is money after all.

So I got home, and Master and I had dinner, and we were able to relax for about an hour before heading down to His mother's. She actually had most of it set-up (as in cables plugged in) when I got there. I was impressed actually. So I finished that up, booted up the computer and then put her backed up files back on there.

I had to talk to some tech guy on the phone again because there were some default things that were missing. But soon it was all worked out, no big deal. And the tech guy spoke English as a first language, so that helped a lot.

Master and I headed out of there around 8:30pm and just got home not that long ago.

Tomorrow is going to be somewhat stressful due to a major client coming in to check up on the company. So everyone is in a tizzy at work about that. Me? I'm going to be keeping my head down as much as possible the next two days. By the time that's over, it'll be my half day, and that means my 3 1/2 day weekend will start! Yay!

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