June 25, 2010

Fun Friday

Today I had taken the day off of work. So I got to sleep in, which was nice. When I woke up it felt like a Saturday.

Master and I relaxed for a little while and then about an hour an a half before His interview we started getting ready. I went with Master, and thankfully I was smart enough to wear a tank top because it was fucking hot out! Master was in there for quite some time, so I took that to mean it was going well.

I didn't want to run the car to keep the A/C on because it's not good for a car to sit idle like that, and it's not good for the A/C either. So I kept all four windows down and just sat there and read my book.

Master came out about an hour later. I saw him in the side mirror and He didn't look pissed off so I took that as another good sign.

He thinks that it went really well, and they had asked Him to fill out the information to consent to a background check, which I'm also taking as a good sign. They did tell Him that it would be a week and a half to two weeks before they got back to Him so that they could do everything they needed to. So now it's back to the waiting game.

But in the mean time Master is putting out more job applications just to play it safe. But this is the best interview He's had in quite some time so, I'm remaining hopeful.

From there we went to the pet store and got Radar his food. When we got home we both cooled off, I talked to my mom for a little while and then Master talked to His mother.

From there I took my bath and put on a nice comfy long tank top, that could basically be a dress on me (although it would be a mini-dress). It's gray, and it's cotton, but Master says He finds it sexy and I'm extremely comfortable in it. So bonus!

Now we're just kind of sitting around and relaxing, picking up random conversations out of no where, discussing them for a little while, and then just as suddenly we stop and go back to what we were doing. That's been happening a lot lately, which I think is kind of awesome.

After being with someone for 7 years, it's really interesting the things you do when you're with one another that other people find odd. Stuff like what I just described in the previous paragraph.

Speaking of which Master and I realized the other day that we are the only couple we know of who have been together longer than two years that have never once broken up and we are also the only married couple we know who have never "threatened" the other with divorce, or cheated on one other. Let's go down the list shall we?

1) My mother and her husband broke up for a short period of time before they were married.

2) My father was with my mother for 25 years and cheated on her, then divorced her. He then dated the woman he was cheating on my mom with for 10 years. He cheated on her, and left her for the the woman he was cheated with who is now his current girlfriend. (Do you sense a pattern here? I think these two will last at the most 5 years before Dad decided to repeat it.)

3) My brother and his ex girlfriend were together for 5 years and she threatened to leave him all the time.

4) BC and HG have been together just about a year. That is the only thing that excludes them though. They seem to be very happy. And I am happy for them.

5) LN and MN have threatened one another with divorce several times, broken up before they were married at least once, and MN is cheating on LN.

6) SS has been with her boyfriend for about 6 months.

7) My mother-in-law and her now husband have never actually broken up but she's thrown all his shit down the stairs and into the garage before and threatened to kick him out more times than I care to count. Also, she accused him of cheating on her numerous times before they were married. Why they got married after all that I have no idea. KB (her now husband) must be desperate. As far as my mother-in-law goes, she just has to be married. It's like a status thing with her. If she's not a wife, she's nothing in her eyes. It doesn't seem to matter to who as this is her third husband and fourth marriage. (Yeah, she divorced her second husband for a year and then remarried him. Weird. I know. She should be her own reality show I swear.)

Everyone else we know is single, or are more of an acquaintance than anything else.

In this day and age it seems to be difficult to find a couple that has never broken up before. Don't get me wrong, Master and I have had some dark times in our relationship but we never broke up or said we were going to. We worked through it all. I'm not saying this makes us better, I just find it interesting.

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