November 3, 2009

Getting Back To Work

Last night Master and I relaxed most of the evening away. Once we got to bed, Master had me go grab a towel so blood wouldn't get all over the bed. (I'm on my period. He was not planning on murdering me or anything.)

So I lay the towel down and lay on it. He kisses me for a while and then asks me if there is anything I want done to me. I lay there, with a blank mind. And then I stammer out, "Uh...."

He laughs and says, "Do you want something done to you or do you just want to be fucked?"

To which I replied something along the lines of, "Not that I can think of?"

And so He says, "You just want to be fucked then?"

"Sure! That sounds good!"


Yeah. Totally blanked. But the sex was awesome.

After I was cleaned up and curled up next to my Hubby, I was a very happy and tired girl.

I got up at 6:45am and got ready for work. BC was a bit late picking me up, but I still made it to work on time. So no biggie there. Work was extremely busy in the morning, and slow as hell in the afternoon.

I was planning on staying late today to make up for missing some hours last week due to my not feeling well. But there wasn't enough work left over once the day was done to warrant my staying. So I left on time. Master picked me up from work, and we grabbed a few things that we needed around the apartment. Once we got home we took out the trash, took care of the dog, and then ate dinner. Now? Just relaxing.

Not a lot on my mind really. Just getting through the day to day bullshit, and waiting to hear back from unemployment for Master. The hearing was only yesterday, so I'm not expecting anything until probably next week Monday or Tuesday.

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