June 16, 2009

Tuesday Down... Three Days To Go

I got up when the alarm went off and got ready for work. Master told me that He was staying home from work today and I said "Okay."

He hasn't quit. He hasn't decided if and/or when He wants to call OSHA. But we do have one of the warning labels and I'm keeping it in a safe place.

Work dragged a bit today. I couldn't get myself fully awake. I think it had something to do with the weather, because it was raining and I had a headache from the pressure. It felt like it was going to storm, but it didn't. Just rain.

However, Master did get His driver's license renewed. Whoo-hoo! It has the correct address on it, finally. *laughs* And it also has a new picture, which is good because the old one didn't even look like Him anymore. What with the short hair and weight loss. Now it doesn't need to be renewed until 2017. It sounds a ways off, but it'll be here before we know it.

I have to renew mine next year, in March.

I talked to Master for a while on the phone today while I was at work. He enjoyed His day of relaxation.

He picked me up from work and we went home, ate dinner, watched a movie, and that's about it. He's slap happy, and I'm still not awake from this morning and it's damn near 9:30pm. I hope tomorrow I have more energy. Today it was difficult to focus, and I hate that feeling.

Tomorrow is Master's birthday! We both have to work, which sucks.. but Master says we'll celebrate this Friday, since the weekend is taken up with family stuff. And His birthday present doesn't get released until next week Tuesday. That's kind of funny actually. My 90 days at work, and His video game/birthday present, happen on the same day. Figures huh? My 90 days, and He gets stuff. *giggles* ;-) Joking Master. I want You to have that video game so I can watch You play it. :-D

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