June 9, 2009

Ramble, Ramble, Ramble

I've got nothing. It's like my writing has gone way down hill lately. I can't think of a lot to write about to be perfectly honest. I think part of it may be because I'm just trying to get through the week to the weekend.

Our schedules have been screwy. My work schedule changed, and I'm getting used to that, although I'm enjoying it. Master's work schedule has been non existent as usual, but has been at more wacky hours.

This morning His alarm went off at 3:30am. He got up, and I woke up long enough to change the alarm to when I needed it to sound off. He woke me up to say goodbye, as He does every morning if we don't get up at the same time, which I love. I love the fact that He makes sure I know that He said goodbye and that He loves me.

Whenever we go to sleep, whenever we get off the phone, and whenever we leave the house separately, we say "I love you". It's just something we do. It's a bit superstitious on my end of things. In case something, anything, happens I want one of the last things I said to Him to be "I love you". Like I said, it's weird. I call it a sappy/morbid superstition.

After He left I mainly tossed and turned. I kind of slept, but I woke up about every 20 minutes until my alarm went off at 6:30am. So I'm tired, but not really all that sleepy.

Work dragged today. Yesterday went by rather quickly, which I was surprised by since it was a Monday. But today? Drrrraaaagggggggggggeeeddd.

Master was out of work by 12:30pm, since He had started so damn early.

I thought He would have taken a nap once He got home, but He said He couldn't sleep. But He was able to pick me up today, which I enjoyed. Once we got home Master made us some home made nachos. Yummy. A little while later we ate dinner, and watched some Mythbusters. That show is fucked up.

I took my bath after begging, and then did my piercing after care. I'm going to need more saline solution this weekend. Also, we have to go grocery shopping and get Master's driver's license renewed. We don't want it to expire, so if we do it this Saturday it'll be renewed a whole four days before His birthday.

Unfortunately His birthday present, the video game: Overlord 2, doesn't come out until the week after that. But at least I know what to get Him. He's been drooling over the demo for a few days now.

I hope the game lives up to His expectations. :-) I'll enjoy watching Him play it. I play video games as well, but not that kind. I'm more into fighters and racing games.

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