July 23, 2013

Decision Made

Well, the decision of whether or not to go into work today once our car was done was made for me. They had originally told me the car would be ready by noon. So, last night I had made the decision that if I got the car before noon I would go into work. After that, it would be up in the air depending on the time.

Noon came and went, so I called the shop. Apparently they were waiting to get the car back from the realignment place they had sent her to. Oh. Okay.  At least it was an answer. But then 2pm started to creep around so I called again. They told me that they had just sent someone to go pick her up because they had just gotten the call that she was ready. They then told me to stand in front of our place in about 15 minutes so someone could pick me up and bring me to the shop.

Well, it took longer than 15 minutes for them to get here. Not because of anything they did but because there was an accident on a major street between the shop and our place. The lady who had given me a ride yesterday is the one who picked me up today.

I got there and they apologized a few times about it being so much later than they had quoted but apparently the place they had sent her to for the realignment had been backed up quite a bit, which meant they had to wait on them which meant I was waiting as well.

I wasn't mad or anything. You can't rush car repairs. Well, you can but it's never a good idea to do so. Since I didn't actually get the car back until about 2:30pm I had decided to just not go to work today. It didn't make much sense to really.

On the way home I stopped at the gas station and put gas in her. I also got Master a cup of coffee. We were out and needed to go grocery shopping but since He hadn't had any coffee yet today He was dragging ass. So I figured getting Him a cup of coffee from the gas station would be a good idea.

She drove wonderfully. Although now that her steering is fixed and her alignment has been done her steering is a lot more sensitive, so I'll have to get use to that. I stopped and gave Master His coffee. We had a couple of errands to run so He had some of His coffee in order to get Himself online and then brought it with Him as we headed out the door about 20 minutes later.

We went to the pet store and grocery shopping and came right back home. Master drove that time and He agreed that she handles a lot better. When we got home we ate dinner and watched a movie. For whatever reason I passed out on the couch, which means sleeping tonight will be fun seeing as I only got up about a half hour ago and that was only because Master decided my nap had been long enough.

I'm not looking forward to working this Saturday, but I don't really have a choice in the matter. I'm just glad the car is home and is fixed.

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