September 11, 2012

I'm Going To Murder My Alarm Clock

For the past two or three weeks (somewhere in between there anyway) I have been waking up at 5am for no reason what so fucking ever. You know what the funny thing is? It's only on work days. I don't do it on the weekends. How screwed up is that? You would think that my body would do that on weekends too since it's a very timely thing.

Literally, every work day morning I wake up at 5am on the dot. My alarm doesn't go off until 6:30am. I am stubborn and basically refuse to get out of bed on a work day until I absolutely have to. Fuck that noise. So instead I roll over onto my side and hope that I am able to drift back off to sleep again for another hour and a half.

Sometimes it works and other times I don't doze off until about 20 minutes before the alarm goes off. But it doesn't seem to matter. Have you ever noticed that if you wake up before your alarm and you're able to go back to sleep it seems like only 5 minutes have gone by when your alarm goes off? Or is that just me?

It's probably just me. *sigh*

This morning when it went off I was so frustrated by this for the past however many weeks that I wanted to take the alarm clock and slam it repeatedly into the wall. Yes, I know that is not a logical reaction. Do I care? Not really. Why? Because I was able to stop myself from doing so.

Plus I can only imagine how Master would have reacted had He been woken up by the noise of an alarm clock being thrown into a wall while I'm cussing at the stupid thing. I don't think He would be pleased. No, not at all.

I was actually talking to Master about this tonight. He said He knows how much that sucks but then reminded me that I always seem to do that during season changes. When He said that I thought about it a minute or two and realized that He was right.

I always find it weird that He remembers that kind of stuff about me but I never seem to until He points it out. I mean it's great that He pays that much attention but He seems to know me better than I know myself. *smiles* Then again, maybe that's how it should be.


  1. That totally isn't just you. I do that too! Thank the Goddess that I'm not alone in this. The season change makes perfect sense to me but I only do it during the change to fall/winter.

    I hope you and your alarm clock can become friendly again soon!

  2. It's amazing how you think you're the only one who does stuff like that and suddenly you find out other people do too! It's a relief.. lol

  3. That it is. I think alarm clocks were made to be murdered though ;)
